anyone who knows me knows that i love to look at things under a microscope. seriously. i just think there is so much that is missed with the naked eye, plus i am fascinated by the intricacies of things that i can’t see unless i zoom in on them with a really powerful source of light and glass. i look for specimen all the time, in every place i go. i used to keep a pair of plastic tweezers and a plastic bag in my purse just in case i saw something intriguing while i was out and about. i stopped doing that though, it started to just be, well, weird. 😉 when i found out sherrie was a doctor i got all excited at the thought that she might be able to get me some fresh samples. she works in the er, good stuff happens there all the time. she laughed when i told her my obsession, she thought i was joking. 😉 i am fascinated by her and her line of work. i am grateful that she cares so much for humanity, and all its weirdness (she told me some kooky stories; people do weirder stuff than collect specimen, that’s for sure.) and that she works so hard to save it. i appreciate good doctors and can tell she is one of them. her fiance, davin, is on the other end of the spectrum. he works to make people happy at the happiest place on earth: disneyland.
if i were to take these two and look at them under my microscope this is what i would see:
goodness in its truest and purest form. i don’t think these two know any guile for one another or the world they live in.
humility: they care more about others, especially each other, than they do themselves.
genuine kindness: their hearts are full of it. for everyone, even strangers.
a strong sense of spirit and family: they are hawaiian. ohana means family. 😉
sherrie and davin, thank you for a morning together! i think you are good people, magnified!!!!
here’s to both of you and the happiness you bring others!!! and to your incredible wedding; it’s going to be beautiful!!! kj