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Senior Season

Now that 2013 has officially begun that means that there is a Senior class graduating soon!!! Time to get to thinking about Senior portraits!!! Just a few from a session I will for sure spotlight soon!!! Love this gal and her entire family! ๐Ÿ˜‰ More of her pretty...

Tails To My Kite

Time to dust off the old blog. My first shoot of 2013 will make a great lead to a great year!! My good friend has a plaque hanging in her home. I love it. I think it’s so sweet, so fun. It is a list of paired, partners, I guess. ๐Ÿ™‚ I had Jaren take a picture of...

baby ava: a christmas elf

i love this little family, so much. a baby, at any time, is a gift. a baby, at christmas time, ย is magic. emma teased that she looks like a little house elf; i am sure that she has changed so much since we shot these images that she is out of her house elf stage. i...


i feel my life is so rich and blessed with good friends who love, support, and encourage me. i am grateful for all of the friendships i have made through photography and feel that part of the reason i was lead on this journey was so i could meet all of these genuine...