i love this little family, so much.
a baby, at any time, is a gift. a baby, at christmas time, is magic.
emma teased that she looks like a little house elf; i am sure that she has changed so much since we shot these images that she is out of her house elf stage. i couldn’t help but think of emma’s baby elf when i moved our elf on the shelf today!! i giggled a little thinking of emma calling her a “little dobby”. i am certain, like the magic our little elf brings to my children each day, ava, a literal present, brings so much joy to her parents’ lives and all those that know her.
what a priceless time in life, for everyone.
so happy i could spend a bit of time making a few memories of some of the sweetest days of newborn life.
emma, david, and baby elf (aka ava):
thank you for sharing so much of your life with me! so grateful for all the time we have together and for the example of true love and respect you are to me!!! may this season be filled with so much happy, more than you ever felt you could feel!! i love you guys, so much!!! xx nuz