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Katie+Will+All Sorts of Happy in my Heart!

I loved everything about this series of photographs, but mostly how they took my breath away seeing them again and prepping them for Katie and Will’s wedding album. My heart filled with all sorts of happy for this couple as they have just had their first baby!!...

Make History

We make history every time the camera shutter snaps. So happy to be in our nation’s capitol. So happy to be with friends-old and new. So happy to be in a historic place making memories for others, and myself!!! Just a few for now…I promise a full post from...

Kamee June Black Friday Sale: The Black and White of it!

I have shared before that I am not a crazy Black Friday fanatic. I stay in at all costs. Nothing lures me out unless it is lunch with a good friend that I haven’t seen in a while!! I try and make Black Friday really mellow, super black and white: chill, no...
A Lovely Deep Breath

A Lovely Deep Breath

Take in a deep breath from your heart today, it will feel like this looks!! Then as soon as you see your person hug him/her/them super, ultra, tightly!!! Happy date-night, pub-crawl night, game night, reading a good book night, baking a delicious baked good night,...

In a Quick Second

It was the quintessential first day of school: harried, burnt toast, a timer on the brink of buzzing. I turned for one moment to salvage what I could of their morning sustenance. Then I turned back to this: a big bro loving on his little sis, who happened to be a bit...