It was the quintessential first day of school: harried, burnt toast, a timer on the brink of buzzing.
I turned for one moment to salvage what I could of their morning sustenance.
Then I turned back to this: a big bro loving on his little sis, who happened to be a bit anxious about her first day of kindergarden.
She needed him; he sensed it; he was the only one who could make her heart happy in that moment.
I grabbed my camera before they could notice and as i clicked he softly said, “You will be ok; everything will be ok.”
And my heart filled. I want so badly to freeze their time, to slow it down just a bit, but no matter what, it will pass, it comes and goes, and all I can hope is that I am present and fast enough to drink it in, and be grateful it happen.
I am so grateful, these two happened.
I love you both, so much!! May this year of school be filled with great memories!! xx Mom