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ring finger friend

2 stories, fused into one. when i was in high school i was caught up in some quintessential teenage drama. i don’t remember exactly what it was but i am sure it revolved around immature girls who were supposed to be friends but weren’t comfortable in their...

table for 3

i wouldn’t change anything about my little family. i love our dynamic, energy, and our relationships with one another, but i did love the days when we were a threesome. there was just something so, well, romantic about it. mom, dad, and baby. just something...

comfortable in your own skin

as parents i know we wish a lot of things for our children: good friends, success in school, to be part of winning soccer teams ;), to find happiness and joy in this life, to have health, to have a strong sense of self, and to be comfortable in their own skin. the...

baby snacking: wednesday’s diet

something so incredibly yummy for your wednesday snacking. if i were to be baby hungry, which i am not i’ll have you know, this june-bug would throw me over the baby hungry edge… eat up everyone. may these images make you smile and want to snack on your...

stop licking the screen, joy: a sneak peek

my friend joy loves babies. the ones she is particularly fond of she wants to eat, because they look so delicious. 😉 what flavor is she joy!!? she was yummy. super sweet! 😉 more to come from this melt-in-your-mouth baby. until then snack on...