i loved kickin’ it today with my friend gus. he is such a kind hearted person, just so good and so nice. it was refreshing being with someone so mellow and so interested and passionate about photography!! gus, thanks for comin’ out, and for sharing a photographic day with me! i can’t wait to see what you captured.
i was flipping over some of the images i was able to snag during our shoot.
the ever-talented and incredible katrina of kitsch did the styling for today’s shoot. it was so different and so awesome. dirty and grungy, and i. loved. it!! i felt so inspired by what she created and by the model she used to create it all!! thank you to katrina, for being who you are: style guru, fashionista divine, and true friend.
AND a thank you to my mrm, most recent muse: keiri. i could have shot you until the skies turned black, and then waited on baited breath for the light to birth to start again. it was a pleasure meeting you, and capturing your energy today! thank you for being so willing!!!
here is just a sneak peek at what gus and i were able to photograph all afternoon. more soon.
kat, keiri, and gus, thank you so much for making today possible!!!