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sitting on the dock of the bay

my family and i got back from a ridiculously needed vacation last sunday, where we basically did a whole bunch of NOTHING, which couldn’t have been more perfect!! the days felt long. the rest was full and complete. and the company was easy going and mellow....

this weekend

i’m headed to santa barbara. i’m looking forward to the road trip with my good friend and colleague, rebecca diebolt. the drive along the coast with her is going to be an absolute blast. i’m excited about eating a meal, actually enjoying it, not...

the side of the road: lili and bryan engaged!

a long time ago landon pigg sang a song about falling in love in a coffee shop or something like that. i wish someone would write a song about falling in love on the side of the road. cuz that’s what happened when i got together with lili and bryan. i fell in...


it is an impossible place to ever forget. and the way you feel when you are here is something that can only be described by the truly poetic, but to experience london with the one who loves you the most, to walk her streets with the person who holds your hand, and...

drip cool

it’s early am in london. i’m up. ready to see my friend and get out in a city i love even though the forecast says it is going to drip rain today. no matter. i’m beyond excited to be here regardless of the dripping. i spent much of my trip from la to...

today: katherine and dave

when you love the way they do, it reminds you that what you are living isn’t a dream, but a real life that feels like dreaming!! much love to katherine and dave today!! so excited to be a part of your wedding and all your very sweet and tender celebrating!! may...