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jones-ing for the jones: a sneak peek

when i was teaching i would have substitutes on occasion. i was pretty clear when i shared my expectations with my students concerning the sub. they knew what to do and how to behavior. they also understood that if they got a bad report there would be severe...

lucy: little lady luck

i got a facebook message from a friend telling me that my pictures had been featured on la ink. PICK. ME. UP. OFF. THE . FLOOR. PLEASE!! i surfed through all the youtube videos to see if it had been posted there yet. it was way too fresh for youtube so, knowing tlc is...

cherry coke and root beer floats: a poolside party

i have always been interested with time: eras, periods, trends, social norms, expectations, etc. i love history and how it evolves. the roaring 20’s, the depressing 30’s, the war time 40’s, and the homogenous 50’s all fascinate me! the...

keeping cool and heating up: my baby and a sneak peek

my baby, trying to stay cool sitting on the stainless.  and a super sexy single making arizona hotter than it already is. maybe a dip in a 50’s style pool will cool me off. up next? my vintage 50’s shoot. getting my edit on, mad men...

to be loved: a wedding remix

this is how we ended the shoot: the newlyweds walked amorously off into the sunset. how idyllic could we possibly be? and right before they walked off into the sunset, guess what we did? totally thrashed the dress, and i loved it! this image was supposed to be saved...