try saying unique new york, three times fast.
you laughing at yourself yet? you should be!! 😉
gentry is headed to unique new york, and i wish i could go with her.
nyu is waiting.
“the streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you…let’s hear it for new york, new york, new york…” thanks jay z for singing us there…
i loved the college chapter of my life; everything about it sparks seriously nostalgia for me. if i had to do it again, however, i am not sure if i would choose byu. not that i didn’t have a great experience, not that i didn’t love all of the memories i made, i just think i might have, well, i am not really sure, but i think i might have discovered something else had i left the west and gone way to the east. like, new york.
i am stoked for gentry; she is going to LOVE everything about the city, and the city is going to love everything about her.
i see so much of myself in her: drive, motivation, a crazy love of her teachers, passion for her friends, attachments to her family, a crazy interest in literature, art, and writing, and an indescribable need to know what’s out there, what exists beyond the parameters of her current life…
she is going to discover so much of herself in new york; i am going to live vicariously through her. not to mention all of the delicious baked goods she will be able to enjoy; i am sucker for an incredible baked good. especially one from new york.
gentry, may you take all of the current passions of your heart and translate them to what awaits. may you discover new levels of your spirit as they dance with the sights and sounds of one of our country’s most inspiring states. may you love this time in your life, and may it be one of your best chapters. ever.
i am so incredibly excited for you. let’s meet for a treat in….unique new york, unique new york, unique new york…
take us out jay-z…
“…i’m from the empire state that’s in new york, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there’s nothing you can’t do, now you’re in new york…”
gentry, make your dreams, all of them, come true. they are waiting to happen; you’ll find some of them in new york…