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i have been trying to do things lately that i feel are refreshing: take brisk walks, drink more water, get more rest, take my vitamins, take more deep breaths, show more compassion, believe in the benefit of the doubt, spend time with friends that are really uplifting, ya know, stuff like that. after my shoot with avery i felt like i had done all of those things in the course of 3 hours. i walked away from our shoot feeling so good. almost like a portion of her spirit and flooded my body! it was, well, refreshing.

may you, too, feel so refreshed by these images!!!!

drink her in like the fluid ounces we are supposed to drink each day!

bathe in her uv rays:

walk a few miles in her shoes until you feel so uplifted you could fly:


this one is a multi-vitamen with an extra energy boost!! take 2 of her!!!

here’s to avery and everything she is!! so happy we met! so happy our paths crossed! so happy to have been refreshed by you!!

here’s to finding what refreshes your heart and following it today!!

thank you avery for the opportunity to be a part of this time in your life! may the spring in your step NEVER fade!!! so happy for you and your energetic future!!