we bought all of gunnar’s school supplies yesterday. it’s hard to believe we are here. it’s really hard to believe i am old enough to have a five year old going to kindergarden.
to my son:
i love school. i know you will too. i know you will be good at it; learning will be one of your gifts. so will befriending those who are sad, or slower than the rest. your heart is tender gunnar, but your spirit is strong! i have had so many moments with you lately that i have wanted to paralyze, to freeze, and hold for just a little bit longer, but time makes them slip through my fingers like sand. i cling to each grain recording its texture. i capture them with my memories, and will keep them safely there, and will one day tell you the stories of a little boy i once watched grow. a little boy who fills my heart each day with so much warmth. tonight during family prayer you leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. i clung to that second of time, relished in our closeness, and whispered my own silent prayer of gratitude for you. i am lucky to be your mom; you are such a blessing in my life. i can’t wait to see what you do with all of those supplies we bought you today. i love you, son.
kissing your sweet sunburnt cheek right now, mom
ps larkee only made a small cameo appearance here. my girlfriend alissa came for a visit and to shoot a wedding with me a few weeks ago. gunnar really wanted to have his pictures taken by her and i wanted that to happen too, but when we got down to the taking of pictures he was too busy with other things. alissa did, however, manage to capture of few of my diva divine. you must see them. when i got word they were up i rushed to her blog, and almost immediately started crying seeing my baby. alissa reminded me with her magical lens of the beauty that is before me each day. she gave me a very precious gift. run to her blog; you’ll see what i am trying to say.
by the way, for those of you needing a new blog to stalk hers is the one for you! her talent is non-paralled. seriously. she is so gifted. and if you are ever in or near wyoming you should book a session with her immediately. she’s incredible. head on over there, and check out my baby. i can’t wait for our next visit and hopefully some pictures of the gun-man this time. 😉 can’t wait to return the gift alissa; thank you again from this mother’s heart!!