my niece came to visit for a bit this summer. i love her so much. she is so mature and wise for her age; it’s pretty incredible. also a tribute to her parents, teachers, grandparents, neighbors, etc: the entire village who has helped to raise her. it’s also who she is as a person. jaren and i have tried to convince her parents to let her move in with us and go to school out here, but each time we visit the subject the answer is always the same, “what would be do without her?” it was so fun having her stay for a bit. i miss our visits and her presence in our home. she is and always has been very dear to me!
i had an idea for a shoot that i wanted to do and thought that brianna would be perfect! i ran it by my stylist extraordinaire and incredibly supportive of my dreams friend katrina who jumped at the thought. i wanted to create an alter ego for my niece. something totally different than who she is. i loved all the comments that were left when i posted the sneak peek; thank you to all of you! i especially like what my friend barbra said, “whichever alter ego she has…you can tell she is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out”. i love that she didn’t judge the ego that was a bit darker. what if that is truly my niece? i appreciated how open her comment was and how telling it was about barbra’s character: she loves, no matter what. interesting to think how appearances can cause judgements, don’t you think? interesting how they can be wrong once you get to know the person. brianna and all of my family know what she looks like, and we love her for who she is. those of you who don’t it might be a little harder to distinguish the ego from the alter. but like barbra said, does it matter what persona she projects? does it matter what persona anyone projects? really? just something i have been considering lately especially while working on these images…
i love you brianna. so much. i love who you are and what you project and the energy you have! i am so grateful for your spunk and spirit in my life and am grateful for the love you show me and my family!! you are beautiful, like barbara said, inside and out, because my sweetest girl, beauty starts from within.
no matter what you wear on the out.
this is what matters sass: be comfortable in your own skin. be happy with yourself!! i love you. alter ego or truth, whatever you choose to be, i love you!!