because i believe in choices…i just added some sizzling collections on my website. check out these money saving photography deals!!
head on over to, enter the site and click on pricing. better yet. simplify. double click on “pricing” on the top of the blog; it’ll take you right there.
p.s. if you have already booked a session don’t worry about the new required booking fee.
p.p.s if you booked in june you get the promotion plus everything else found in the collection of your choice (if you go that route. you can always stick with a la carte).
p.p.s.s if we have already had our shoot but you want one of the new collections, i will make it happen. no worries.
happy summer everyone! may it be full of fun in the sun!
and because it just wouldn’t be a proper post without a picture…my little firecracker on the 4th.