about a year ago i got together with a colleague and friend of mine, renee hindman, happens to inspire me on so many levels. she is a mom first and a photographer second, but she tries to shoot something once a month that is just for her kids. i love listening to her stories of all the shoots she has put together for her girls! it has inspired me to want to do more with mine! to make memories for them, of them. renee and i are starting an annual october shoot. last year we did the pumpkin patch with a charlie brown infusion.
this year we let our little spooks “haunt” the carriage house. next year, well, you’ll have to wait and see!! 😉
doesn’t matter the shoot; pictures of my littles are invaluable to me! i love these images and these two so very much!! and i especially love the memories we are making while they are so little!! i can hear them playing “haunted house” right now with their friends. it’s making me smile; i want their childhoods to be so filled with so many fond things!
gunnar and larkin, you hold my heart!!! i love you both so much!! xxoo mom
oh my boy, you are getting so big, so handsome, and are so sweet!! stay that way, forever please!!!
right about here lark decided she had had enough of haunting that house. and even though she was alive she was making sounds that would wake the dead:
i love you both so much my little spooks; my life would be scary without you!! 😉 xoxo mom