somethings in life are just exciting:
a first kiss.
winter’s inaugural snow.
a child learning to read.
watching shooting stars on a house boat at lake powell.
the u2 concert.
fresh cinnamon rolls from the oven.
an unexpected surprise that arrives in the mail or on the doorstep.
the nordstrom half yearly.
it’s true; i am easily excitable. i get pretty jazzed about most stuff. there is something happening though, right now, that has me dancing like i have ants in my pants! how’s that for imagery. make them fire ants. i am that excited i am dancing the red- hot- fire- ant excitement dance. 🙂
my colleague and good friend, julie, of julie rollins photography and i had a vision.
it’s time to finally share it with all of you! we are joining forces to teach a workshop, unlike any other, currently offered! we are playing on our strengths to bring you an all inclusive experience of being a better photographer at all genres of photography and a better small business entrepreneur. i want to scream and run and jump and tell everyone about how excited i am!!!! it’s going to be incredible and we would love to have you as a part of it!!
join in me the red- hot- fire- ant excitement dance!!!!
follow the link to our site where you will be able to read all the details!
please email any questions you have regarding the workshop to! we are looking forward to it!! we hope to see you all in march!!!
until then, keep on dancin’!!!
xoxo kj