several years ago a former student of mine gifted me tickets to a summer concert, john mayer, no less. my husband and i were beside ourselves, seriously so excited, we were like giddy school children, jumping up and down at the thought of attending this event. i think we bought new outfits to attend, had a fancy dinner prior, and from the opening number to the encore were singing at the top of our lungs and we kept looking at each other and smiling so big, it hurt! we talked about the experience for days, listened to the albums for months, and to the present still reminisce on the summer we went to john mayer.
my friend kat kirk went to see u2 a few weeks ago. she was speechless when describing it; my sister-in-law called it a “spiritual experience”.
we get crazy about our music and the experience it drums. there is something addicting about it, something surreal, other-worldly.
i felt this way about tricia and rudy’s wedding. it has been one of my favorite summer concerts. i talk about it incessantly, and their record plays on repeat.
it was that good.
i met tricia and rudy a little over a year ago, but it feels like we have been friends for much longer! there is something about them, something about their relationship and romance that is so addicting. kind of like rock and roll.
when tricia asked me to be their wedding photographer my reaction was similar to when the john mayer tickets had been gifted to me. so happy. so excited. when she revealed the venue, i couldn’t stop talking about how thrilled i was to not only be a part of their day, but to be able to shoot at such an incredible place.
tricia and rudy have an affinity for music, like most, only theirs is a bit more profound. rudy thinks in rifts, measures, and bars. tricia loves a good serenade and broadway musical (my kind of girl). they didn’t want their wedding day details to out-sing their venue. everything complimented itself perfectly like bass to guitar, drums to lead vocals. verses to chorus, melody to harmony.
i will forever be a tricia fan:
so rock and roll to jump on the bed in your wedding dress. so. dang. cool.
the rockstar shoes went on after the jumping ;).
speaking of rockstar, rudy oozed it, dripped it, bled it on his wedding day.
tricia and rudy opted for the chorus before the verse, a first look before the ceremony. it was so perfect though. so emotional. so pure. like acoustic guitar in a solo performance.
and i am going to leave you there…
more from this epic ballad. soon…
one more just to keep you listening:
love their song. it will always be classic rock and roll.
more soon. xoxo kj
tricia’s and all her best girls’ hair and make up brought to you by katrina kirk.
tricia and rudy’s incredible planning and detailing provided by courtney of after the engagement.
their ceremony was performed by bethel of ceremonies by bethel.
and they were married in san diego at the hard rock hotel.
more wedding details to follow in installment two.