i think i have shared before that i have two adopted nieces. they are darling; i love them both so much. their adoption stories, both of them, are miracles; those two babies practically dropped themselves in my sister and brother in law’s lap. their “delivery” stories don’t matter so much to this post, what does is that i can’t image our family without them. they were always supposed to be a part of us, they just had to come to our family through different avenues. we have been created with the help of two very selfless women who recognized they could give “their” babies more. we would be incomplete without bethie and sadie.
i think this family would feel the same.
theirs isn’t a tale of adoption, but different paths that converged and found each other because they had to, because their lives wouldn’t be complete without one another.
kristine and marc met several years ago.
kristine is balance, consistency, and stability; marc is humor, strength, and honor.
when they married they not only brought these characteristics with them, but also a few “extras”.
kristine brought this lovely:
and marc added this kind-hearted guy
and this little darling:
together they added a baby to the mix:
i guess it is an adoption story after-all; they all had to adopt one another. their family had to be created this way. that was just the way it had to be. different roads and choices lead to this very special family. i couldn’t help but notice the mutual respect, love, and appreciation they have for each other, even though they aren’t all “blood”. they are a family who cares about the other. i walked away from our shoot thinking about my two nieces, how they came to us, and compared it to this family. it’s the same. they all needed each other, but just came together through different avenues.
i love this image:
let’s play a game called, “where’s the random skater-dude popping his head out and talking on his phone during a picture?”
kristine and marc and the rest of the brood welcomed him into the family as well…:)
their family is a great mixture of personality,
care and dedication,
geniune interest and concern,
and much love.
kristine, marc, and team: may you see the beauty in all the colors woven in the tapestry of your life! may you always find joy in a mixture!! 😉 thank you for sharing some time with me; i think you are hard working parents who are doing the best you can for each individual member of your family and for each other. i am happy you found one another and created the family that was always supposed to be made. may your holidays be merry, together, kj