i’m all about making things happen! 😉 there was an interest so i am going for it: i will be hosting a mini-photoshop workshop at wppi!! seats are extemely limited so if you are interested GO FOR IT!!
the details:
date: monday, february 21, 2011
time: 11:00am-3:00pm (i know, not the best light to shoot in but i am sure we can find some open shade. vegas has open shade for sure, right? ;))
place: we’ll meet in the main lobby of the mgm hotel, shoot outside and then do our post processing somewhere to be announced.
price: $225.00 (includes a brief but incredibly stylized shoot(everything you shoot will be yours to use in portfolio building), full post processing steps (from download to web posting), and a set of kamee june photoshop flashcards (40 cards in a set. each set includes the example image sooc with the specs, light, and time of day it was shot in. and an after card with the photoshop recipe on the back.)
who will we be shooting? none other than whitney herself, of whitney darling photography! she is going to be there as our model muse for the shoot; and you’ll be able to get your lens on her!
it’s going to be similar to what is happening here only on a smaller vegas style and scale! i still promise to deliver though and share what i have learned and offer answers to any questions i can give!!
join us! it’s going to be super fun! we’ll need to eat during that time too so bring a bag of chips or something to snack on while we are working!! or better yet, we’ll order room service!! 😉
looking forward to the entire wppi experience and meeting you! hope you can make it to the mini-photoshop workshop!!
see you next month in VEGA$!! (excited you’ll be there whitty-woo and ashley too!!)