i too, hail from a house of phloof.
a house of phloof is all girlies and only one boy-ie. it’s so awesome! barbie, cabbage patch, hello kitty, pink nail polish, cotton candy, candy jewelry, strawberry shortcake, little pony, princesses, dress-ups, and drama…lots and lots of drama prevail! 😉
i loved growing up in a house of phloof. i loved shopping dates with my mom, mani and pedis with mom and sis, hair appointments together, stops at cinnabon for a delicious treat and diet coke and some girl talk, sleeping in mom and dad’s ginormous bed together when dad was away on tdy. i loved our phloof. i still do. just got off the phone with my mom tonight in fact, because i was feeling homesick for it.
growing up with a sister is so special. there is always someone there to tell your secrets to, always someone to keep you close when you are fearful, always someone who knows your heart and holds it tight, always someone who loves you for who you are. yes, a sister is special.
growing up with two sisters, in a house of phloof? an absolute gift.
these little “phloofies” came with their own distinctive spirits, but they compliment one another and the family like limes to cherries, pretzels to chocolate, honey to peanut butter.
it takes a very special man to rule as patriarch in a house of phloof. he has to be in-tune with his inner ken doll. he has to understand that tears come and go like the turning on of a switch, or the twist of a faucet. he has to, on occasion himself, where the color pink, and be totally and completely comfortable with that. 😉 he also has to, in some indescribable way, just accept the feminine for who she is, a lovely goddess divine, and go with that notion, his entire life, turning a cheek to all the other commotion that comes with…well, phloof.
todd, is an outstanding ruler of his particular house of phloof. he is so chill and such a good father to his little phloofies. he understands their needs and their soft hearts and will be the person they turn to when said hearts, need mending, and weeping eyes need wiping.
in a house of phloof, daddy is always a prince charming.
love, LOVE, will put this in my studio on canvas someday, absolutely adore this image:
the queen of a house of phloof is ultra special herself; not to mention beyond beautiful. she too must have a spirit that rolls with all the energy that phloofies can emanate.
she loves her man:
and he is totally enamored by her. he loves the beauty she adds to this world, the light she has given his life, and the color and vibrancy she contributes to their home. she is all the best parts of winter, spring, summer, and fall. wendy hails as queen of the house of phloof because she too is a girlie-girl, and that’s good. i do admire women who totally understand what it means to be feminine; that is cool to me. i think those woman are just naturally pretty and incredibly magnetizing.
a house of phloof is filled with motion, and emotion:
and of one hero and many distinctive heroines:
wendy, todd, claire, bree, and baby jilli, i LOVE your phloof! thank you for dancing in the streets with me and embracing me with your warmth and charisma! may your home explode with more phloof. may it burst from the seems of the incredible life you are living!
in my opinion there is never enough of it!! thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph your family; i loved it!!
here’s to the the house of phloof, may it reign supreme forever!!