a long time ago my mother-in-law made a comment, “i am so grateful for color.” she said it years ago at a thanksgiving dinner. it left such an impression on me that, years later, i still remember it when i see great hits of color, muted color, textured color. color. period. and i echo the sentiment in my mind, i am so grateful for color, too.
i usually think of my friends in superlatives: most glamourous friend, most beautiful-smile friend, most understanding friend, most likely to pitch a tent at nordstrom with me friend, most likely to eat all the salt in the world with me friend, etc. i have started to think about my friends in colors too, all shades of them. syl, is my red friend!
i want syl to see herself like her friends see her: so supportive and kind. so filled with compassion and warmth. anyone who knows her is lucky. anyone who calls her friend knows she will always be loyal and true. i also want her to see how truly beautiful she is, on so many levels!!!
red is such a rich color, so strong and powerful. so bright and captivating, just like syl!! it happens to be my favorite color. 😉
i have know her now for almost a year, we first met at a workshop in june of last year. since then we have become friends and colleagues. she too is a photographer (it never gets easier photographing a photographer.); her site is due to launch soon, when it does there will be big shout outs for it from me!! syl has kept pushing and working and totally and completely succeeding!! she is bold and enthusiastic, just like her color association!
i was so happy when i finally got to meet her family: the tot and the chad, as she endearingly refers to them! i almost felt i was meeting celebrities. we had a good time chasing the colors of santa monica pier:
the “bubble man” albeit a little creepy was a welcomed surprise, especially for the tot:
we had to leave the bubbles to find more color. it was so sweet to see how fascinated kaleb was with everything. i love how interesting the world is to children. it inspires me actually!!
syl, i hope you know who grateful i am to have you as part of the color in my life! thank you for all the support and love and encouragement you share with me, with everyone you meet! i have always felt blessed that our paths crossed!! you add a lot of joy in the hearts of a lot of people!
anyone like to start singing “the colors of the wind.”? this is your cue! hahaha! was trying to think of some cool songs with lyrics that have to do with color. now all i have is pocahontas and vanessa william’s voice streaming through my head! i am smiling right now considering the humor of laugh. smiling also being reminded of the fond memories we made while making these images too!
syl and family, thank you for always adding such bright and vibrant color to my life! i am grateful for it, and you! thank you so much for everything!!
may you always be the color in each others’ lives!! xoxo kj