i can’t believe we are already in november! how did that happen? time to get my shop on; i am going to have everything bought before thanksgiving! 😉 i do hope everyone had a great weekend! i love the coziness of the holidays, so warm and inviting!
speaking of inviting. i would like to invite you to a few things…
i am looking forward to this month’s side kicks!
katrina and i have been at it again, our brainstorming never stops! you are in for a treat if you join us this month!! i hope you will!!
the first side kick this month will be how to shoot kids. (that never sounds right, but it always makes me giggle. i love that pun!!) this side kick is geared towards the photographer who wants a new perspective on shooting clients’ children and more specifically for the parent who wants to take better pictures of his/her own children. you don’t need a fancy schmancy camera to attend. it’s all about working with your current equipment and training your eye to get capture better moments and details of your own children.
treat yourselves to better memory making for you and your children.
side kick: how to shoot kids
where: corona, ca, rad fields and beautiful light and two gorgeous children…it’s going to be genius! my friend kristen of 3 little birds boutique is sharing her talents with us for this shoot; it’s going to be very sweet! can’t wait!!
when: november 12th, 200-430pm(we’ll meet the first hour for instruction and then head to our location to shoot for the last hour and a half or until the light goes or the kids decide it’s over. ;))
how much: $195.00 (your side kick pass includes: instruction time, a fully stylized shoot to help you build your portfolio, and a few goodies to take home. we will be eating together afterwards, but dinner is not included in your tuition.)
this is your opportunity to learn to shoot better portraits of your own children; you know, the pictures that remind you of how they used to be, the ones that take you back to a place in your memory…
join us; the power of the picture for a photographer and an parent is deeply significant!!!
this is your opportunity to learn to shoot better portraits of your own children; you know, the pictures that remind you of how they used to be, the ones that take you back to a place in your memory…go for it! it’s going to be GREAT!!
ps i am going to do a lot of my shooting at the kids shoot with a point and shoot camera, just to show you that you don’t have to have all of that BIG equipment to get good shots of your children!! 😉
the second side kick this month has me so excited i can hardly stand it! we are going to be discussing one of my favorites: COUPLES!!
i love everything about shooting couples! EVERYTHING!! i love the romance of it, the passion of it, the chemistry of it, all of it.
side kick: how to shoot couples
where: corona, ca (location, tba)
when: november 19th, 200-430pm (we’ll meet the first hour for instruction and then head to our location to shoot for the last hour and a half or until the light goes or we all fall back in love with our significant others and feel we need to get home to them! ;))
how much: $195.00 (your side kick pass includes: instruction time, a fully stylized shoot to help you build your portfolio, and a few goodies to take home. we will be eating together afterwards, but dinner is not included in your tuition.)
i love couple work so much. i feel it too has so much power in terms of relationships. i’ll share all those feelings at the side kick! hope you’ll be there!!! excited to have you!
here’s to a great month!
join us; treat yourself!!!