everyone remembers from elementary school that matter is anything that takes up space.
these two, and all their stuff, are matter:
the other day we were driving somewhere. i had both littles with me. lark was singing passionately to herself, per usual, and gun and i were talking:
“mom, one day you will get old, right?”
“yep. i will.”
“will you die?”
“yes, i will, everyone does someday.”
“when you get old will you still be pretty?”
“oh, gun, as long as you love me i will always be pretty to you.”
“good, because if you are going to marry me i need you to be pretty.”
i think my son was proposing to me.
if anyone needs to use this in the formulation of a master’s thesis on the oedipus complex feel free to consider this as a genius anecdote to begin said thesis. 🙂
one day, he will NOT want to marry. but today he does, and that fills the matter in my heart.
in all their spaces and places, they fill me. i love you both so much; i am grateful for your current matter!! xoxo mom (or mammy as larkin is currently calling me…:)
you two and dad, are all that matter…