larkin olivia
current age: 3
current age she believes she is: 16
current belief: she is the boss
current name she likes to be called: larkee lou olivia (she really does think the lou part is part of her name; it’s awesome! our friends april and matt started calling her that and it has stuck. so glad it did!)
current favorite show: kung fu panda; she loves that show and all its knock off counter parts. she also is loving how the grinch stole christmas and it’s the great pumpkin charlie brown. both now out of season. whatever. she’s happy and that’s what matters.
current favorite food: she really doesn’t eat. getting her to eat is a battle!! it usually ends in some kind of fit, because if she had it her way she would only “eat” chocolate milk. she thinks that’s a food. 🙂 she is also always up for the blue, purple, and green sherbet from baskin and robbin’s. (i wish she choose something i liked finishing for her. ;))
current favorite toy: she doesn’t have one, but she LOVES to dress-up  (in her own clothes) and do her hair and make-up sometimes at the expense of good product. the other day i counted seven outfit changes. i can’t fight it. i only insist when it’s sunday or family picture day. other than that, she wears what she wants and that’s ok, matching or not…
current favorite person: i think my neighbor april would have to be her favorite person right now.she told me the other day she wants to live with her; that’s a pretty big deal when larkin likes someone that much. 😉
current favorite friend: she has a little friend named addy. she calls her “addy girl”. she tells me everyday when we are doing her hair, “do it in a pony, like addy girl.” or when she is getting dressed, “i want to wear this over this like addy-girl.”
current favorite things to say: “yeah, duh.” we are working on changing that.
current favorite extra-curricular: dance (the winter recital is coming up; it’s going to be pure comedy. i look forward to the hour i spend at dance class each week and the running commentary the other moms and i have outside the dance door; it’s good stuff!!)
2nd current favorite extra-curricular: annoying the- you- know- what out of her brother.
current favorite activity: to make “potions” out of the product in the shower. it got super wasteful and expensive. we bought her some suave and now we don’t mind if it all ends up on her hair, the shower floor, or in her magic potions.
she is pretty magical to us. that’s for sure. we are constantly saying what a gift she is to our family. sugar AND spice, she is a true gift and we love her so so much. this post is late but commenorates her most recent birthday nonetheless.
we love you larkee lou olivia!!!
larkee, i love that i get to be your mom. so happy you are a part of our family, spunky brewster!! Â love you, mom