time to kick it california style!!!
i am “stoked” to announce that i will be teaching a workshop in california on june 19th!! time to “hang ten” in the state that’s always on vacation!!! as if you needed an excuse before, now you have one to pack your bags and come to california!!
come kick it with me!!
this image is being included gratuitously… solely for the abs 🙂 will it help you make your decision if i told you everyone who lives here has abs like this, and all the “dudes” walk around with their shirts off like him? don’t believe me? book a ticket and find out for yourself!!
all jokes in my pocket, i am happy and excited to be hosting a california workshop!! it will be run similarly to my arizona workshop, but with a few tweaks, a few additions, and a few subtractions. but the same way cool energy and vibe and fun!!
the date: june 19th, 2010
the location: corona, california (specific details to follow)
the plan: the workshop will be split into two sessions to accommodate more photographers and their individualized interests.
kickin’ it morning style: the morning session
geared to the photography enthusiast interested in knowing what all the buttons mean and how to take a great picture; the photographer who is interested in a refresher course or perhaps a new perspective to fuse with a current one; all parents who want to take better pictures of their kids’ little league games, dance recitals, sleeping faces and bubble baths.
the morning session includes:
three hours of instruction time (9:00am-12:00pm), a full shoot, lunch, and some surprises i will have waiting for you. the class time will include my perspective, what i shoot with, how i shoot it, the way i shoot it, basically how i see things and where my inspiration comes from. i’ll cover some basics: lighting, equipment, and composition. i also plan to discuss several tips to help shoot a successful exposure of any subject. the morning session will also include a full kamee june-ed shoot in a totally rad california location, (see the stylist and model involved below ;)), lunch, and of course a q/a session.
kickin’ it afternoon style: the afternoon session
geared to the seasoned professional photographer; the photographer interested in starting a small business, and the junkie that wants to perfect his/her post processing prowess.
the afternoon session includes:
four hours of instruction (1:00-5:00, it also includes the shoot and lunch;)). the class time will include ideas for marketing, branding, blogging, post processing tips and hints from photoshop, a few surprises, and of course a full q/a session; ask me whatever you want; i’ll disclose! 😉
you can choose to kick it just in the morning or kick it all day and soak it all up, like the gorgeous california weather! 😉
the investment:
the morning kicker: $300.00
the full-day kicker: $495.00
your tuition includes instruction, a fully stylized shoot (perfect for adding to your portfolio), lunch, snacks, and a few goodies and surprises. plus the opportunity to add to your photography community by meeting new people and rubbing shoulders with other incredible creatives.
what to bring: your camera, a rad attitude, all your questions, an open mind, and a lap top (for the afternoon session, it’s optional, not compulsory. morning won’t be needing laptops.)
i am excited to meet all of you and share a day, in the land of palm trees and sand, discussing one of our passions.
tickets to kick it are limited so grab your friends and get your registration on!!
PLUS the first ten to register for the full day will be put into a drawing to win a two hour one on one kickin’ it session; we’ll discuss whatever you want; you will have my full attention for two full hours!!
the june workshop will be featuring the incredible talents of katrina kirk who will be doing all the hair, make-up, and wardrobe stylings for our shoot.
and kara keough, a californian starlit herself, will be joining us as our model (her handsome boyfriend is coming along too; we are going to have an incredible couple-shoot for sure!) and i am sure i don’t need to mention it, but she’ll make a lovely addition to any existing or budding portfolio. not to mention, she is so nice and good. and she can work it…
a few of the waves that rolled in after the last workshop…
“When you have a passion for photography and taking pictures, you just know it. It’s hard to explain, but deep down inside you just know it. I get that feeling inside when it comes to photography. Kamee started off her workshop by talking about a concept that has always fascinated me, I was so happy she spoke about it, and the fact that she used it as her starting point really resonated with me…she spoke about the concept of time. The most interesting part of it being the present. We all know how to describe it…I think…but is there really ever a present moment? I think there is…sort of…perhaps that moment when the shutter goes off, but then it’s suddenly the past right?! For me, photography captures those present moments. Kamee is passionate about what she does and she loves it…200% percent loves it…with her whole self…and it shows. It shows through her pictures and her personality. I know that I have the same love for photography and that I needed to nurture and invest in it. I couldn’t have imagined a better reason to register for her workshop. I’m so happy I did;)” terri d
“I can’t even begin to say how glad I am that I attended Kamee’s Phoenix workshop! I’ve been taking pictures for as long as I can remember, but after I bought my digital camera I was never confident enough to always shoot in manual. One of the first things Kamee told us was ‘put your camera on M and don’t ever take it off.’ She spent the rest of the day instilling confidence in each of us that we had what it takes to shoot amazing pictures in manual.The best part of the day, though, was the family shoot that we all did together. It was nothing short of inspiring to see Kamee working with her subjects. She didn’t force a ‘perfect pose’ from them, but rather took the time to elicit poses that were perfectly them. We were able to see the way that she becomes a part of her subjects’ lives and brought out who they were. After the shoot she took the time to look at our photos and help us to see all the things that we’d done well and suggest ways to make our photos even better. Since the workshop I’ve had so much more confidence! I’ve been shooting on manual and believe that my pictures get better all the time!” mandi m
“For those who have feared moving from the automatic setting on their camera, to the dreaded ‘manual’ (or like me, got lazy and moved back to the automatic setting!), this is the workshop for you! Learn to push yourself to become a better photographer through new techniques, understanding camera settings, working with natural light, post-processing and adapting your style to all types of clients. I learned more in this one day workshop about how to leap from being average to excelling, than I’d learned in years! Best money I’ve spent
on myself in a long time!” joy g
“Kamee June provided me with the cherry I needed to top off my sundae! To take from an old adage – she handed me the last necessary piece to my puzzle. After leaving the Kamee June workshop I decided to officially launch my budding photography business. Before the workshop I believed I had the raw talent needed, but I needed to know more about the business as a whole. Kamee June was so open about how she started, when she started to make profit, how she built up her marketing campaign, and her business philosophy. She took the phrase “check your ego at the door” to a whole new level. I wanted to know how she operates her camera and she revealed every secret, I wanted to know about pricing and she did not hold back, I wanted to know what vendors she uses and I received a candid review of each, I wanted to know how she makes her pictures jump off the page with emotion and she was able to put it into simple words so that I can achieve the exact same thing. One of my favorite things was she shared simple courtesies that you probably would not learn in this business until you make the mistake. A simple example is that primary shooter should always make the first blog post – as a second shooter you should always wait to post your images until the primary shooter has posted. Kamee’s theory is that if she has learned from a mistake she should help everyone else from making that mistake in the first place. After the workshop we all went out to dinner and I was able to truly see how open and beautiful Kamee is. You will not be wasting one penny if you sign up for this workshop – in fact, if you don’t spring for the whole day you will be setting yourself and your business back. You will be better at composition, lighting, and business after this workshop – but even more importantly you will feel more confident. Kamee will build you up and send you on your way ready to charge!!!” abby k
“For me what was most inspiring about the workshop was being “real” about who you are. being able to keep that “time frozen” with nostalgia. (which struck such an emotional response in me . . .) I loved the fact that when we went out to shoot the best example of being “real” was the Tarver’s little girl . . . shy, reserved, but then warmed right up. Seeing you bring out the personality of your clients was so “real.” Thanks for being such a great teacher and mentor that saturday afternoon. I wished it had been longer. I still go back to my notes everyday to glean your wisdom from that day.” barbra h.
“I’m so thankful…you really made me see the light in more that one way. I went into the workshop not really knowing much about my camera (I’m sure it showed hehehe) and after trying to take pictures the weekend before that weren’t all that great, I was really scared. But I can honestly say that I had an epiphany in your class. It started with the Chris Milk video. I need the link so I can watch it everyday! That video made me see all the things I had been missing in my life the past few years. I know I might sound crazy, and I’m usually not the epiphany-having type of girl, but it sprung open something in my heart. The whole day I felt like things were finally starting to come together, and not just in photography. I finally had that sense of confidence to make the jump, leave the corporate world, and do something I really love. I felt even better when you discussed how I can take the time to master all my food photography since they don’t move 🙂 I am completely ready to start taking everything to the next level, both in my writing and my photography. I am most likely moving to the beach this summer, leaving the rat race behind, and can’t wait to spend countless amounts of hours writing and photographing anything and everything. You really made me realize how happy this can make me. I certainly won’t be becoming a professional photographer, but I am hoping to become a successful food writer or blogger. So thank you so much for opening a floodgate of inspiration on Saturday. It meant more than you will ever know.” janelle s.
“Attending the Kamee June workshop back in March was literally a life changing event for me. After spending the day with Kamee, I feel like I am able to see things so much differently. Kamee was so incredibly helpful and I feel like this workshop was perfectly geared towards a beginner as well as more established photographer. She took the time and shared so much with the group, pouring her heart and soul into it. It was so refreshing to soak in her positive energy all day long!!! I will forever be grateful to Kamee for the time she took and effort she put into this. Reflecting back on the experience, I feel like I am more confident with my abilities as a photographer and I have a much clearer idea of what I want to achieve with my goals in the future. Thank you so much Kamee, from the bottom of my heart!”–mary k.
come on; join me, june 19th, in sunny ca! what are you waiting for??
excited to meet you, and kick it, kj
please contact me at kamee@kameejune.com for registration questions.
or click on the button below and reserve your spot:
if you need accommodations while you are in ca this hotel (corona, west), this one, and this one are close to the workshop venue, and ontario will be your closest airport to fly into.
as always there are people to thank for making this possible:
rachel clare of rachel clare photography for the incredible kickin’ it photos for this registration launch; everything about you is classy rach. thank you for taking these pictures of me! so grateful for the inspiration and support you are in my life. you are a true friend. thank you!
joy, you know i am grateful…for everything…i think i max out on my text quota each day! thank you, from my heart. excited to have you on board for the ca chapter. just excited to have you in ca and my life. period.
a thank you to amanda, you make the sun come up, don’t you? thanks for making things happen in my world! looking forward to having your fingers in this workshop!!
bethany, i know it’s not the inaugural usage, but i am going to thank you every time for all of the hard work and effort you put in to creating an incredible packet of information for all of the attendees. so grateful for you, your knowledge, your encouragement and support!
and shannon, for all the paper products you are gearing up to buy…thank you for your perfect little touches, and all your time, and creativity!!
i can’t wait to meet you all!!! see you soon, kj