I know it’s the end of August. I know. I feel it. We are all back to school next Wednesday. My kids and I are in complete denial. We have had one of THE BEST summers EVER!! I normal do the annual sale in June, to be thematic and all, but the summer sun and fun was just too magnetizing; I told myself I would do it in my birthday month instead. Then I decided to celebrate myself and being alive for a WHOLE month. I decided to make it an August sale. Then we moved. Now it’s the end of August and I decided, “WHAT THE HECK!! It is always a good time for a great sale!!” So, the Kamee June summer sale is finally happening; mylegit half-yearly is happening; I AM just like Nordstrom!!! Eeeeee!! Kinda. Sorta. In my head. 😉
Now read the real post, but where it says that you have to book by the end of June it really means by the end of August!! 😉 Then email me with questions or to get yourself booked!!! xxx
And now for the post written, ahem, two months ago. Sorry for the delay!!
I like to think I am a little, just a little like Nordstrom. They have a half yearly, so I copy them, and have one too. Something in June, because I am thematic that way, and something half yearly, in November!! I like the June one, because, it’s, well, June!!
When people first meet me they usually ask about the June bit, or they call me Ms June-thinking it’s my last name. Kamee June is a pretty cute name, right? Kamee isn’t even my given name, Kamaree is, and June isn’t my last name; it’s my middle name. I was named after my Grandma June. Then I am usually asked if I was born in June. Nope, July. Regardless, I love BOTH months!!
Anyway, enough about that, it’s June (August) and it’s Half-Yearly SALE time!!! Everything Kamee June, EVERYTHING, during the month of June is 20% off!!! (this is the part where you insert August and September!!!) Hoooray!!!! You do not have to use what you purchase in June (August/September), you just have to use it within the next year, so before June 2017 (August/September 2017) (weddings are a little different; we can extend them a bit if you aren’t getting married for a while, but know you want to take advantage of the sale). It’s easy, email me (kamee@kameejune.com) tell me what you would like to buy for 20% off, remember EVERYTHING KJ is included: portrait sessions, one on one mentoring sessions, wedding weekends with KJ, KJ gift cards (also 20% off! Perfect for friends or family and a great deal for you!! Buy a $100 gift card for only $80 with the 20% discount!!), AND both wedding packages are 20% off as well!! That’s right, because all of me, loves all of you…can you tell I shoot weddings? 😉 No, it’s because it’s JUNE (August)!!!! Hooray!!!! Pay your deposit to lock in the the 20% deal (it will vary depending on what you purchase), and then you are set and we get to planning when you want to cash in (the balance is due the week we shoot, work together, gift cards will be sent over in pdf’s, or the month before you get married.)
So easy, just like finding the most perfect thing at the half yearly, and knowing it is supposed to be yours!
And because everything is better with a photograph here are a few from my brides and grooms from this summer! There have been so many more; I am working on their files now, and will post all that gorgeousness soon!
So excited to hear from all of you and be a part of your celebrating and memory making!! Much love, KJ
This sweet bride, Caroline, even wrote me the kindest testimonial!! Both she and David have hearts filled with GOLD!! I adore them!! She shared, “Kamee is one of those people you meet and never forget. From the first time I emailed her about a quote, her radiance and zest for life was apparent. Her love for photography transcends not only through the lens of her brilliant and unique work, but through all of her interactions with her clients as well. She is an absolute natural at what she does and has a true gift of making you feel comfortable from the second your photoshoot begins (something that is so unnatural for me!) Kamee is special. I never knew how crucial it was to find a photographer that you connect with, and Kamee is one of those people that you will walk away from feeling like you knew her your whole life. She will go the extra mile to get you know you and your story, just to ensure your photographs speak to it and your individual experiences. I can’t say enough great things about Kamee, she is truly one in a million. If you can do one thing with assurance through your wedding process, book her. It will be the best decision you make! Thank you will never be enough Kamee!”
Thank you so much Caroline and Dave!! You will always be so special to me! xx
Ohh!! One more I found of she and her gorgeous people!!
Oh, my Jenna Brown! I will always hold you close to my heart!! I love you, Doll. You and your sweet and kind man!!
You’ll never meet hearts bigger than theirs!! For each other and for all their family, friends, and their God!!
These two had me at “Southern Hospitality”! They live it, breath it, and really personify human kindness and goodness. I love these two and their families so much!!
Annie and Andy may your hearts just grow and grow for each other and the sparkly life you are building for yourselves!!! Was so happy to be there to celebrate with you and your families!!
Cheryl and Terry!! Your love for each other was so tangible and rich. Your hearts are so centered on what’s important in life!! So inspired by you both! xx
Avery and Andrew, Take me on every beautiful adventure this life is going to offer the two of you, the two of you so very in love with each other!!
Laugher will fill your hearts, Lauryn and Phil, every day, I know it!! Can’t wait for your celebration next year!!
There are so many more!! So many gorgeous images that cover my desktop. SO many memories that make my heart smile and my memory feel so happy. Thank you, to all of you, past, present, and future who willingly share these life celebrations with you! I love you all so very much!!
Alright, let’s get to booking more memory making opportunities! The sale will run until the end of September!! Email me with any questions and also to get you booked!!
Sending so much love to all your atmospheres!! xx Cheers, Kamee