When I was younger and so in love with the idea of finding someone to love I remember a conversation I had with my mom in regards to the topic. I wanted to know how it would feel to truly know love and to be able to recognize when it was in my life. My mom didn’t say anything cliche: It’s just a feeling; you just know when you know; your heart feels the happiest ever. Nothing like that, although some cliches said of love can be true. She did, however, tell me, “You will know your truest love when you find the person who compliments your true self in the best ways.” Then she went on to say love [romantic] isn’t something to run into, that a wedding day doesn’t make up for a lifetime of experiences that need to happen to help your character prepare, etc., because she wanted to direct my attentions (I was very young at the time), on school and other goals I had set for myself. I caught her drift immediately. My parents are and have always been so wise. When I did meet Jaren I understood what she was trying to communicate. Her words resonate with me often, almost every weekend, in fact; I think about them particularly when I shoot engagement sessions and weddings.
April and Jason are the most prepossessing compliments of each other. I loved how comfortable they were together and how comfortable their relationship made me, and I am certain makes others!
I look forward to sharing more of them, their families, best friends, and their celebration in a month’s time.
For now, a few sweet moments from their engagement session in LA’s Art District.
April and Jason, I was so inspired by the two of you!! My compliments to you both!! 😉 Much love, KJ
And all of these super close 2nds to the favs:
We turned a bit of music on; these two are GOOD dancers!! 😉 Can’t wait for the party party of the wedding!!
ps April, you are so enchantingly beautiful!! I can’t wait to see you as a bride!! Jason is very, very lucky!! 😉 xx