the clock turned the day; it’s officially her birthday.
while the beauty slept i snuck into her room to breath in her last few moments of being two.
she is just three, but it’s going so fast. too fast. jaren broke down her crib while i was away last week. probably best. i get attached to those kinds of things. and the memories soaked into them.
i put my face next to hers tonight and whispered, “you are beautiful, and smart, and so so special.” and she is. and we love her.
jaren came in to my office tonight and sat down, “we have good kids.”
“yes, we do. they are a total gift in our life.”
we stopped talking, i started to feel a bit of a cry coming on, a happy one, a grateful one. we both felt a profound sense of gratitude for the little bodies sleeping in the rooms next door. for the protective and sensitive big brother whose conscious is tangible, and for the opinionated and determined little sis whose personality is larger than her little frame.
apparently 3 is the new 16. or at least that’s what she thinks. 😉 hopefully the scooter will suffice instead of a new car! 😉
today is YOUR day larkee. all the surprises await you, love! we are excited to be able to celebrate YOU! we love you, doll face!! xoxo mom, dad, and gun