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i am so glad they won. had they lost steve might have blamed me.

angie sent me a relatively urgent email:

“just wondering if we could reschedule our shoot this saturday. it’s the usc game; i forgot and scheduled our pictures on game day. my husband is a huge fan…”

i returned the email, “my schedule is looking tight we might be able to work something out for a weeknight in november. want to push it to then?”

she decided to stick with the original shoot day and beg for mercy from her man. 

skip ahead a few days…

i was out doing a bit of shopping and i came across a t-shirt that made me think of my pending shoot for the weekend. it had the usc logo on it with the trojan mascot in obvious yellow and red, only it was cool and ultra fashionable not college bookstore quality. so i found a fun red checkered collared shirt to go underneath and thought, “i am buying this and wearing it this saturday so that fan will know i am happy he gave up the game for family pictures.” i have no affiliation with usc, and, don’t hate me steve, don’t follow their games at all, but i wore the shirt because i wanted steve to know that if he was a fan, then i was too, and i wanted something to shout to him, “thanks for comin’ out!!” 

and i am so glad they did. i have been thinking about this shoot and the family since we met. i love it when i leave a shoot feeling happier than when i walk up to it. i love it when i am shooting and it feels like i am catching up with old friends, instead of people I barely met two hours ago. i love it when i leave a shoot and want to plan play dates with the mom just so i can hang out with her and introduce our children in hopes they will become best friends or possibly even marry someday.

i especially love it when the shoot understands the importance of the home team.


and i love it when i go home, start editing, and remember all the fun, laughs, and smiles we had while creating the 2009 family playbook.




steve and angie started their game of life in high school; sweat hearts from the side lines and on the green.



i think those stories are so fascinating, because they are proof that is really can happen. love really can survive the drama. 😉 these two are so down-to-earth that i don’t think drama ever existed for them. they are, for sure, each other’s mvp.

i loved this moment.  i loved witnessing it and then seeing it again post process; it made me smile just as much the second time around.

touch down:


this was my favorite of the two of them together.

touch down with a field goal: 


and i just thought this one was cool.

rad half time:


they have added some pretty stinkin’ cute little players to their original team. 

qb, jordan:


and…get ready for some yummy chubbiness…

water boy, ryan:

love. want to drink the water boy.


these boys run all the plays and take all the tackles for one and only one cheerleader.




i loved all the personalities in this image:


and the pouts in this one from the tired b-team. this is actually one of my favorites of the family together. no blitzes, secret passes, just taking a knee, and being:


and i loved this one too:


every team wishes to play well, to suffer minor injuries, to secure victory, and to win the super bowl and go to disneyland. this team made a few wishes on previously made wishes, but the disney dream was already a reality.



there is no doubt they are solid. they will work hard, play hard, and laugh hard!! they will win trophies, medals, certificates, and big ugly expensive rings and they’ll do it together.


angie, steve, jordan, and ryan, thank you for sacrificing a game with the dream team to spend some time with the home team. i will always be your #1 cheerleader who shows up, in home colors, to support her favorite fans. may you always find lasting joy from the champions whose faces you see each day. thank you again so much for the opportunity to photograph your current passes, interceptions, and touch downs.

the kamee june crowd is going wild for team p….aahhhahahahahahhhahahahahahhhh!!!
