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Maddy-Girl: Mega Senior Sale 2013 and 2014!!!

The experience on the brink of happening is unlike anything you will ever know or love. It’s independence, personified. It’s self-discovery, deepened. It’s FUN, purified.   It will be, I promise, one of the greatest times in your life. You will...

In a Teeny-Tiny Pocket of Light…

We saw this; it took our breath away, and then we captured it, forever. Just a sneak from our most recent KJR Collaboration workshop! More soon!!

The Feminine

“We’re not protecting our daughters if we forbid makeup, eschew fashionable hairstyles, or wear dowdy clothes. The feminine form is beautiful. Sure, we don’t want to hide behind makeup or wear immodest clothes to draw attention to ourselves. But there’s nothing wrong...

Graduating Class of 2013: Senior Special

It is perhaps, quite arguably one of the top ten days of your life: the thick envelope of acceptance from your top choice university arrives. They want you. They accept you. The future you have dreamt about is reality now. Danae just got her envelope from USC!! Fight...