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black friday: kj style

nothing like jumping on a band wagon, right? i decided to launch my own black friday fury! only you don’t have to go anywhere, fight any crowds, or get any sort of frustrated when the supplies run out, you can do some shopping from the comfort of home, tv on,...

happy thanksgiving!!

i did not photograph this turkey. nor did i cook one like it, but i still feel the familial warmth that comes from a hot oven and love. so happy my family is in town. so happy  my children are safe and healthy. so thankful my man loves me and and is supportive of my...

snow queen

the snow-flakes grew larger and larger, till at last they looked just like great white fowls. suddenly they flew on one side; the large sledge stopped, and the person who drove rose up. it was a lady; her cloak and cap were of snow. she was tall and of slender figure,...

just something

about this image that i keep coming back too…i love it…more from this sweet family soon…